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play bike

Unser Spielmobil ist ein elektrisches Lastenrad.

From 1999 to 2016 our colorful “play mobile” was in use.


The minibus, which had been converted into a play storage, was replaced by the environmentally friendly play bike in 2017! It houses a large number of material and thus enables those parks to be looked after that would otherwise be difficult to supply with materials. We provide a comprehensive set of sports games and handicraft material for supervision.


Our offers convey fun and joy in doing individual and joint activities. We use a variety of methods to address the head, heart and hand of the cared for. New ideas and approaches inspire, challenge and encourage everyone involved.


The following parks are looked after with the play bike: Hochhauspark, Klieberpark, Willi Frank Park and also the "Mädchen-Mobil" uses the play bike. It is also used at some events in the district!

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